Okay, what's been going on. A lot of not studying for my lecture classes, is what. I can't memorize anything so I might have a mini panic attack over my midterm tomorrow, but that's okay. I'll live, unless my Mesoamerican professor goes all Aztec peeling my fingernails on me.
uuugh, that freaks me out.
I found out that the Teatrio award ceremony is the day of graduation and I can't get any of my 600 euro unless I'm there so that's a big disappointment. I spent too much money on school to pay to fly out there to pick up money that doesn't cover the cost of getting to the ceremony. I also need to move out that weekend so there' pretty much no way. I did make my self portrait for the book though.
I was in the Munny Show for our student SOI. I need pictures of my Munny, but we had to make a 12x12 piece to go with them. Mine, thankfully, got sold the day of the opening.

Got an interview with Laika which was pretty nuts because I got to play with some of the puppets. They're not hiring but seemed to really like my work, I was pretty proud. I get so critical of what I do and forget that other people look at it too.
I also got bored and used the images I made to slap on some candle holders and might make them into prints. I need to get hopping, graduation is on it's way and I feel like I'm nowhere near ready.