Art vs Art paint day was this past Saturday and you know what that means! VOTING TIME. so head out this way and vote for your favorites. Mine is canvas 56, if you would be so kind.
A little explanation for the contest from my roommate:
"The concept of the competition is you go and paint for a day with supplied materials and it goes into voting with a load of other paintings. At the big Main Event, 32 paintings make it to the floor where people can vote for the ones they want to see on stage. 16 paintings make it and go round by round one on one with an applause-o-meter deciding the victor. The loser spins the wheel of DEATH and if it's not "Instant Death" it gets auctioned off. If no one wants it, that shit gets DESTROYED in various ways (such as chainsaw, katana, paint thinner, jackhammer, or "dirty sanchez"). It's an amazing competition and I could only get a tiny photo from the site (some are larger than others for whatever reason) but the canvases are all 18x20. "
So check it out, vote, and if you're in the area come to the main event on the 24th to buy me a drink or something! Hey there, behbeh.