I've said it once, and I'll say it again. Get that bitch a container. Bitches love containers. At least, I know for me it's one-hundred percent true. I've collected jars and cigar boxes as a child to keep things in. It's gotten no better as I get older, I tend to get cigar boxes and cool containers for keeping art fair display stuff and to keep who knows what around the house. Growing up where I did let me have four different IKEAs within 30 minutes no matter what direction you drove. I got. SO. MANY. BOXES.
I still love containers and boxes, so when I'm out and about at garage sales and goodwills, I tend to pick up boxes, vases, containers of all sorts to paint at a later date. I keep putting them aside, but I finally got my ass in gear and started painting them and playing. Now I have a few in my shop, expect more!
These two sets are originally IKEA, I wanted to keep them for my own use but I already have a disturbing number of containers in my kitchen, bathroom, and studio. So instead I'm letting you people have these lovely containters.
This and That:

Bits and Bobs:

You can find them on
Etsy, where I just put them up this afternoon.
The idea behind them is that you can china-marker, dry-erase, or whatever marker the contents in the little frames. I hate when my household items boss me around. I'd rather take charge and label them myself.
More of these kind of things to come, keep your eyes peeled.